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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Rubber & Steel: csc3 + enkei GTC01 PART 2

over to YHI...

slapped a set of these spanking 17-inch beauties on:

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they may not be forged but they're noticeably lighter than the standard Honda Modulo alloy rims, which were already pretty badly kerbed by this point.

given my hideous track record, im keeping my fingers crossed for the Enkei rims!

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some tech specs available here:

Rubber and Steel...: ContiSportContact 3 & Enkei GTC01

well it's been a whirlwind couple of months, what with the Tokyo Motor Show 2007 (YAY!) and having 11 days worth of reservist (NAY!)...

tokyo bits will probably be uploaded over the next few weeks, so i'm going to start with the latest stuff first:

now what could this friendly fella from Stamford Tyres be up to?
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and what could this dynamic duo be standing at attention for?
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ive decided to swop out the stock Bridgestone Potenza RE050s from the car for the CSC3.

new shoes for the car:
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Stamford Tyres doesnt just slap the rubber on and send you on your merry way, they give your rims a-cleaning as well!
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brushes are soft so the truly anal-retentive need not have to worry about picking up scratches on the alloys. add a dash of detergent, close it up and the water jets work with the brushes to give it a good scrubbing.

still running in the Continental ContiSportContact 3s and it's been wet roads for the past day!

more specs found here:
(cut and paste link)

next stop... YHI!